Raymond Cripe, Donor

Raymond Cripe

So far, 3 people have registered in honor of Raymond. You can too.

Register in honor of Raymond

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He was excited to register as a donor...

Ray was so incredibly excited when he registered as a donor. He called each of his daughters to brag that he was now a donor. We knew he was very honored to offer his organs when it was his time to leave. We never expected that his time would be so soon after he registered.

Ray was admitted to the hospital on June 15 with complaints of pains in his chest. After being rushed to the hospital, it was later discovered he had an aortic dissection. He went in for emergency open heart surgery. They fixed his aorta, and he survived the surgery, which was a miracle in itself.

Sometime during the 16 hour day from the time of being admitted, he had a massive stroke that affected 75 percent of his brain, and over the next couple days the swelling continued. He was declared brain dead on Friday, June 19.

This was tragic for our family, and throughout the week we had to discuss what we were to do. Knowing he was a donor helped to guide our family’s decisions. The Donor Network of Arizona notified us that they found two recipients for his kidneys, but would have to wait until they were biopsied to validate they could survive the transplant. Unfortunately this was not the case. His liver was donated to research, and the kidneys were not able to be transplanted.

We are still thankful that his tissue, skin, and eyes were able to be transplanted. Because of my dad’s selfless act, I have decided to also become a donor, and hope to see others register in his name.

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  1. March 17th, 2016 | Lisa |

    Ray we miss you terribly. I'm sure you are up there and my Mom is saying Ray don't you ever shut up! She loved you as well. I have been a donor for years and hope everyone will give the selfless act as well.

  2. March 17th, 2016 | Anonymous |

    We love and miss you daily. I'm sure you are up there and my Mom is saying Ray don't you ever shut up! She loved him too and now he knows secrets we always ponder (especially aliens!) I have been a donor for years and hope everyone will give the selfless act as well

  3. March 17th, 2016 | Angie |

    Pinning his quilt square on the donor quilt of Arizona. Miss you dad. https://youtu.be/1p-qARkp0GA

  4. March 17th, 2016 | Angie |

    Pinning his quilt square on the donor quilt of Arizona. Miss you dad.

  5. December 11th, 2015 | Angie |

    Miss you a lot lately dad. I hope you're doing well. Love you.

  6. July 13th, 2015 | Lori |

    I registered!

    • July 15th, 2015 | Angie |

      Awesome. In honor of dad?

  7. July 13th, 2015 | Lori |

    I registered!

  8. July 6th, 2015 | Susan S. |

    I’m already registered, or I would register in honor of your father. I wanted to say again that I’m sorry for your loss. Lives with be touched by his donation and I know he is honored that you can honor his life this was as well. May God bring you peace during this difficult time.

    • July 6th, 2015 | Angie |

      Thank you.

  9. July 6th, 2015 | Angela Vayda |

    Angela Vayda just registered to become a donor in honor of Raymond Cripe. My father passed away unexpectedly on June 19th. Because of him, I have decided to also become a donor! What a selfless act, and if my organs are viable after death, I hope they may live on in someone else. Thank you dad for continuing to make me a better person, even after you have gone. I love you!

  10. July 6th, 2015 | Angie |

    I love you dad! We miss you terribly! Keep an eye out for us would you. xoxo Angie


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