Lamberta Rose Ramos, Donor

Lamberta Rose Ramos Register in honor of Lamberta

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She was strong and beautiful inside and out...

Our beloved Lamberta Rose gave the ultimate gift of life.

You could ask anyone who knew her, Bertie, was the most giving and caring person. She would help out anyone in need.

She was strong and beautiful inside and out. She also loved her family very much her son, Rodrigo Pie, and daughter, Isabella Rose, and partner, Vicktor Balmaceda, her mother, Veronica Pantoja Cervantes, two brothers, Jenaro Narito Romero and Emillio Romero, and all her cousins, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, and her godmother Vangey Huerta and best Friend Maria.

Rest In Peace Our Beautiful Lamberta Rose Ramos.

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