Sahiba Bijral, Registered Donor

Sahiba Bijral Register in honor of Sahiba

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Life is fleeting, and choosing to share part of it with someone in need is one of the most beautiful and selfless acts...

Life is fleeting, and choosing to share part of it with someone in need is one of the most beautiful and selfless acts.

Being part of this organization feels like a tribute to both the donor’s incredible kindness and the collective commitment to saving lives. As a Sikh, I believe that life transcends the physical body and continues in the soul. Our faith teaches that selfless giving aligns with our spiritual teachings. Donating organs to help others is a profound expression of this selflessness, reflecting the nature of a true Sikh, who gives freely. In this light, donating an organ to save another’s life is a natural and beautiful extension of our spiritual principles.

Thank you to every soul for your generosity and for giving the gift of life to those in need. Though I will eventually pass, I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to life in this way. I extend my thanks to Waheguruji and my family for instilling in me these values and guiding me on the right path.

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