Christopher Blanton, Donor

Christopher Blanton Register in honor of Christopher

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Chris was a kind, funny, loving human that could fix or repair anything...

My wonderful husband, Christopher, passed in December 2024. He had a rare condition called Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy. His brain made a protein that weakened the blood vessels in his brain. He suffered a major cerebral hemorrhage in December 2024. It was determined that he would not make it, so he was able to donate his organs. I know that his liver & 2 kidneys had recipients waiting. As well as others he helped. I did not realize how rare it was to pass in such a way that your organs are viable. Chris was a kind, funny, loving human that could fix or repair anything. So it is fitting, that as his last act be that he “fixed” other peoples lives. He would be so proud.

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