Your story doesn’t have to end here.
You can do more to support donation in Arizona.

Join the Donation Community Online

Keep up with Donate Life Arizona in your virtual world by following us on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Whether you registered on this site, added your name to the Wall of Life, created a Story Page, or just think organ and tissue donation is important, you can share this information within your social network. It’s through people like you that others learn about how donation can truly make the world a better place.

One way that you can share how you save and heal lives is by adding your organ donor status to your Facebook timeline, just like you would add a relationship status or place of employment. Simply go to your timeline, click on “Life Event,” select “Health & Wellness” and choose “Organ Donor.” You can then select where and when you registered, and you can even share your personal connection to donation, or why it’s important to be a donor, in the “Story” section.


Become a Volunteer

Donate Life volunteers are key in promoting hope and generosity throughout Arizona communities. Volunteer opportunities include information tables, speaking engagements, office assistance and special events. Will you join us?

Volunteer Application Form

Please fill out the attached application and email to or mail to:

DNA Volunteer Coordinator
Donor Network of Arizona
201 W. Coolidge
Phoenix, AZ 85013

Upon receiving your application, you will be invited to attend a volunteer training session to learn more about Donate Life Arizona and the volunteer opportunities available.

Become a Workplace Partner

The Workplace Partnership for Life program was created for businesses and organizations throughout Arizona to educate their employees, members, customers and clients about the critical need for organ and tissue donation. Some ideas that Donor Network of Arizona can assist you with include: distributing donation materials to employees, arranging a presentation, posting a link to the DonateLifeAZ Registry on your company website or placing an article in your newsletter. With your help, we can sign up donors to save and heal lives!

Workplace Partnership Commitment Form

To join the Workplace Partnership, please complete the attached commitment form and email to You may also mail the form to:

Community Education Coordinator
Donor Network of Arizona
201 W. Coolidge
Phoenix, AZ 85013