Ernie Encinas, Waiting For the Gift of Life

Ernie Encinas Register in honor of Ernie

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He now spends his days waiting patiently for the phone call that can change his life...

Ernie Encinas is a one of a kind individual. He is the most giving husband and father to his family they could have ever asked for. He is a man that always places his family before him. A selfless man- never wanting for anything besides security and safety for his family. Conversations with Ernie are never dull, even through his battle he always has strived to keep his children laughing to comfort them as they go through this ordeal.

He raised his family in the Phoenix area as he pursued his career with the Gilbert Fire Department. Ernie has always been extremely active and seeks adventure. He loves learning and education. He was determined to obtain his Masters degree while he raised his family of 5 and worked full time as the Fire Marshal for Gilbert Fire Department. Forced into an early retirement due to his illness, he now spends his days at home reading and waiting patiently for the phone call that can change his life.

Ernie is waiting for his loving gift of a new liver that can save his life. The opportunity for this is extremely close as we grow closer and closer to that phone call.

Ernie is blessed to be so close to receiving the vital organ that will save his life.

To all the organ donors out there-

Thank you. Thank you so much


Ernie Encinas, en la espera del regalo de vida

El ahora pasa sus días esperando pacientemente por la llamada que le puede cambiar su vida…

Ernie Encinas es un individuo único en su clase.  Para su familia él es el mejor padre y esposo que hubieran podido tener.  Es un hombre para quien su familia está primero que él.  Es un hombre bondadoso que no desea nada que no sea seguridad para su familia.  Las conversaciones con Ernie nunca son aburridas, aún en medio de su batalla él siempre se ha esforzado por hacer reír a sus hijos y confortarlos mientras pasan por esta prueba tan difícil.

Él formó su familia en el área de Phoenix mientras desarrollaba su carrera con el Departamento de Bomberos de Gilbert.  Ernie siempre ha sido extremadamente activo y aventurero, le encanta aprender y educar.  Se había propuesto obtener su maestría mientras criaba a su familia de 5 y trabajaba tiempo completo en el Departamento Mariscal de Bomberos de Gilbert.  Forzado a jubilarse temprano por su enfermedad, ahora pasa sus días en casa leyendo y esperando pacientemente por la llamada que le cambie su vida.

Ernie está a la espera del regalo amoroso de un hígado que le salve la vida.  Está oportunidad es cada vez más y más cercana al momento que suene el teléfono.

Ernie está bendecido al estar tan cerca de recibir el órgano vital que le salvará su vida. 

Para todos los donantes de órganos-

Gracias.  Muchas gracias.

Become a part of Ernie Encinas's story. Click Here.


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