Kathryn “Katie” Bergman, Donor

Kathryn “Katie” Bergman Register in honor of Katie

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Katie's smile, laugh and kind heart will never be forgotten...

Katie became an organ donor in January 2009 at the age of 33 years old. Katie’s smile, laugh and kind heart will never be forgotten by all who knew her. Her kind heart will always be remembered by those she touched through organ donation. All throughout her life she tried to help people; family, friends and strangers alike. Her gift of organ donation was her final act of kindness. Katie, we love and miss you each and every day! -Mom

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  1. January 27th, 2020 | Anonymous |

    I miss you mom. You've been gone half my life now and it just so unfair. I fought for so long to be able to meet you and nine months later you were ripped away from me. I love you. Thank you for helping others <3 It keeps getting harder <3 -Your daughter, Bri

  2. January 27th, 2020 | Anonymous |

    I miss you mom. You've been gone half my life now and it just so unfair. I fought for so long to be able to meet you and nine months later you were ripped away from me. I love you. Thank you for helping others <3 It keeps getting harder <3 -Your daughter, Bri


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