Mario Abraham Torres Jr, Donor

Mario Abraham Torres Jr Register in honor of Mario

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He is my hero and a hero to many others...

Mario Jr., better known by family and friends as Abraham, was a beautiful soul, a strong and vibrant 16 year old young man. He loved his life and his family. He was a 10th grader in high school and he was a good student, and he was great at math, but weight training was his favorite class. He had been training to become a professional boxer for 2 1/2 years and loved every minute of it. He worked very hard to maintain great health and be the best he could be. He worked out every single day and ate very healthy. He loved drinking water and even learned how to cook so he could always make sure he could eat properly. He had such a love for his family especially his sisters and niece and nephew. Abraham was always my favorite person and my best friend. He is so very loved by so many and missed enormously. But he lives on in everyone he touched with his kind loving spirit. He also lives on in those who received his gifts of heart, lungs, kidneys, and liver. He is my hero and a hero to many others!

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  1. February 13th, 2024 | Melissa Mericle |

    Thank you Abraham for your gifts and for being a donor hero! We lost our daughter at the age 15. She is a donor hero too! God bless your family ♥️

    • May 8th, 2024 | Brooke Ballesteros |

      Melissa, your daughter is a beautiful shining light. I am so sorry for your loss, the heroic act of donation has given me a little bit of comfort in this most difficult time of our lives. I pray that it has given you some comfort as well. I am sending you love and hugs and I thank you for the selfless act of organ donation, and a huge thank you to your hero daughter Love, Brooke, mom of Abraham (fe16)

  2. October 27th, 2023 | Belinda Trujillo |

    Thank you Abraham. You gave my husband Rafael Trujillo a second chance at life. We are beyond grateful and humble for what you and your family did. You are now and always will be remembered. You are a Champ! Love, your second cousin Belinda San Antonio Texas

  3. October 27th, 2023 | Sarah |

    I've known Abraham since he was a little boy. He was a sweet loving boy. Loved animals


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