Ronald Battiata, Donante

Ronald Battiata Regístrate en honor de Ronald

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We all have those special people in our lives...

We all have those special people in our lives…you know, those special friends we love as family.

I just wanted to say thank you for being in my life and for showing me that family is not just about blood. It’s about trust, honesty, love and respect.

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  1. junio 12th, 2024 | A |

    Il cherish the memories of you when i was a kid.

  2. abril 3rd, 2019 | Enrico Battiata |

    I wish I could of got to meet you when you got back from Arizona. I will one day though fly high Gramps.

  3. diciembre 20th, 2017 | Lori Battiata Blackwell |

    Hi Dad ~ I just want you to know how much I still miss you. Never does a day go by that I don't think of you and wish you were here with all of us. My heart remains broken, and just don't think it will ever feel whole again. We're all doing ok and have somehow found a way to carryon, but nothing is the same without you here. As you know, because I believe you had a hand in this, Mom has Donnie now and he takes wonderful care of her. He's a good man and I appreciate all he does for both mom and our family. I know you would approve and be happy for her too because you are such a loving and caring man. Your grandson is getting married! Can you beleive it? I'm so happy for him and I'm so happy that you were able to meet Wendy before God called you home. Please watch over all of us and help us through the tough times, and be with us during our happy times too. If ever it is possible, could you visit me in my dreams or do something so that I feel your presence? Merry Christmas! I Love you so much Dad

  4. abril 16th, 2016 | Lori Blackwell |

    Hi Dad ~ It's been a little more than two years since I've seen your beautiful smile, twinkling eyes, and felt your warm hugs. I miss you every single day and just wish we had you for one more day. Our lives are not the same without you, but day by day we're figuring out how to "live" our lives to the fullest, because we know that's what you would want. I'm so thankful for the life you gave us and the memories that will forever live in my heart. Love and Hugs, Your baby girl

  5. marzo 17th, 2014 | Grayson and Pauline East |

    It has taken awhile before I could write this. Every wonderful thing all the folks have said about our beloved Ron are true. He was special and gave something wonderful to all of us who had the privilege to know him. Our relationship goes back many, many years and there are so many wonderful, humorous, touching, memorable, unique times we shared together. I think we still expect Ron to answer the phone or wave to us from the balcony of the condo in Florida but know he won't. We have toasted many bottles of wine (sometimes too many!!!) together made by our own "Guido" as we liked to call him and have many left that we can toast to his memory. All of us hope to leave our mark on this world for others to share and Ron has certainly done that for us. Grayson and I miss him dearly and life will never be quite the same without Ron. Nancy, we will ALWAYS be there for you no matter what, as you are a special part of that important couple that has meant so much to us. We are so happy to still have you to continue what was started so long ago.

  6. marzo 11th, 2014 | Max and Gloria Schindler |

    We met Ron and Nancy in the summer of 2004. We were at the US Transplant Games in Minnesota. Max was asked to represent donor families by carrying the Team Michigan banner in the opening ceremonies. While waiting he found himself sitting next to Ron. They wound up telling each others stories about organ donation. Ron asked about getting together after the games. Both agreed and exchanged addresses and phone numbers. We both saw Ron and Nancy a couple of times during the games so Gloria had a chance to meet them. About 2 weeks after the games we got a call from Ron to set up a meeting. We met at our house in Gladwin. We were able to tell more in depth stories of Sarah's donation and Ron's lung transplant. While sitting around the bonfire in our backyard Ron brought up the idea of adopting us as his donor family and Sarah as his spiritual donor. Ron had made attempts to contact his donor's family but had never received a reply. We had never heard of donor family adoption but we immediately said yes. That was the beginning of our 10 year relationship with Ron and Nancy. We literally became family. We will cherish the times we had together especially at the Transplant Games. Winning a bronze medal and finishing the 100 meter dash without falling down in Louisville was a proud moment for Ron and us as well. Ron, we will miss your smile, the twinkle in your eye and your love for us and life itself. Thanks for being in our lives. We'll always love you Ron and Nancy.

  7. marzo 5th, 2014 | Anonymous |

    We have only met with Ron a few times at family weddings and gatherings. He was always a friendly and caring individual with a warm smile and a handshake or hug. We will miss him and will keep him and his family in our prayers. Take care Nancy,we love you !! Ray & Mary

  8. marzo 5th, 2014 | Dary Brown |

    Ron...he was the best, just the best! I have lost one of the truest, most honest, and dearest giving friends that anyone could ask for. We moved to Lakewood Knoll about the same time, the friendship grew and grew and will always be a part of my heart. He will always have a special place in my heart, he was more like a older brother to me and was always there to help with anything he could. It's been said that we had a "bromance" with each other, yep that sums it well! I think we just understood and respected each other. My best memories are of making wine with him and Don...they recruited me to help me through a difficult time in my life, (so they said, I think they just needed a younger back). We had such fun, making it, bottling it, and tasting a bit of it too! Oh how I would love to pop a cork and have just one more story time. I so grateful for having known Ron and Nancy, the Battiata family seems like family to me and my heart is breaking for them all. Ron was a very special person and I feel sooo blessed for having him and Nancy in my life. I am so sorry for all of his children and his entire family. I know he is just smiling and so very happy, he left all of us exactly the way he wanted to and was able to give back to help others...that was our Ron. I love ya buddy and will miss you forever!

  9. marzo 5th, 2014 | Marilyn Laurie |

    Ron was a good guy. He put up with a bunch of Bunco gals for many years making all kinds of noise. When he was waiting for his transplant we all said many prayers they would find a donor for him. He had many good years after that had some trials and tribulations along the way but always came back with a smile and a good outlook on life. It was no surprise that he donated life back to someone else. That's just the way he was a giving person. He will be missed by his many friends and family. They will be in my prayers. God Bless!

  10. marzo 3rd, 2014 | Anonymous |

    Ron Battiata was truly one of a kind. His sweet, genuine, caring, and charming personality touched everyone who knew him. We have had the pleasure of knowing him and his family for many years. He was the type of person you wish you could meet more of. He reached out and gave friendship, support, laughter and hope. He always talked with such pride about his family. He gave back to the transplant community without hesitation and really looked forward to the transplant games every year, and returned with some heartfelt stories. He has always been a true inspiration/mentor/hero in our lives, and will be greatly missed. Our hearts are torn for the family. Thank you Ron for always being there for us. Love Robert and Cherie Blackwell

  11. marzo 3rd, 2014 | Lori Blackwell (Battiata) |

    My Dad loved his family and friends, he was giving, caring, loving, courageous, and amazing. He respected and honored the life he was given by volunteering and speaking on behalf of the Gift of Life and living his life to the fullest. Remembering my Dad is the easy part, I do it every minute of every day. It's the missing him and shattered heart that just won't go away. I miss is his smile, I miss his laugh, I miss his love, I miss his twinkling eyes, I miss being "Daddy's Little Girl" and the warm love we shared. I thought he was invincible and that hero's never die; until that call came in when God told his Angels it was time to bring my Dad home. What he have lost is what Heaven has gained. My life was blessed when God chose me to be his daughter. :) I will love you forever Dad, thank you for giving me a wonderful life. Lori

  12. marzo 2nd, 2014 | Anonymous |

    We had good memories with Ron and Nancy over the years. We have known you guys for a long time. We had a great time in Vegas on a couple of trips. So many good memories and he was such an upbeat guy and we never heard him complain why me. He will be missed a lot and especially by his family. God Bless you Nancy and family. Love Bill and NY Nancy

  13. marzo 1st, 2014 | Kim Zasa, Gift of Life Michigan |

    Ron and Nancy are like family to me and I knew immediately when I met Ron that we had a karmic connection. I have worked with them both as part of our volunteer corps at Gift of Life Michigan and there is no where that Ron wouldn't go to talk to others and share his story to encourage more donor registrations. I fondly recall being stuck in a small tent with him during the Ann Arbor Art Fair one hot, muggy summer afternoon when an unexpected tornado ripped through town. Ron didn't blink an eye and we simply darted into a nearby restaurant and chuckled about how when life throws us curveballs, that we just need to go with it! I always affectionately referred to Ron as my "boyfriend" and Nancy as my "MIL" for mother-in-law. I will always be your "DIL" Nancy and I love you both tremendously. I will miss Ron's sunny smile but his legacy is not forgotten as he has touched the heart and souls of so many through the years. It was a blessing to have him in my life.

  14. marzo 1st, 2014 | Anonymous |

    We were fortunate to have Ron in our lives. We had many a Great time and many laughs and many memorial moments on vacation or just driveway sitting. We will miss him and he will live in our Hearts Forever. He was more than a Friend he was Family to us. God Bless you. Love Pat & Mike

  15. marzo 1st, 2014 | Chad Savage MD |

    I have had the great honor of knowing Ron and Nancy for many years now. As a physician, you care for your patients, but Ron and Nancy have become more like family to me. He has a wonderful, unassuming quality that makes you feel accepted for who you are. Seeing him is like a breath of fresh air as you know that despite the hardship that he has had, you will always be greeted by that wonderful smile and his hilarious take on life. His ability to laugh at life and see the humor in the struggles placed before him makes one realize that he truly knew how to cherish it. It has been a blessing from God that our lives have been made all the better for knowing Ron. He will be sorely missed.

  16. febrero 27th, 2014 | Edward and Gail Kubat |

    We met Ron and Nancy while visiting my brother who is a neighbor in their condo complex. We immediately felt the the warmth of true friendship. Nancy and Ron are special special people and Ron will be missed, especially his smile, his wit and that mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Ron and Nancy were spending some time with us in AZ and were throughly enjoying the warm temps compared to MI. The night Ron collapsed will not soon be forgotten, if ever. We loved meeting his daughter and son-in-law but so wish it could have been at a happier time. Your strength through the Gift of Life process was a tribute to your husband and father. Hugs, kisses and prayers to all of the Battiata family.

  17. febrero 27th, 2014 | Jean and Artie Zbinden |

    We got to know Ron and Nancy about five years ago while they were wintering down on North Hutchinson Island, Florida. They were such genuinely GOOD people, always smiling, real gems. And once the winter ended, we kept in email touch throughout the year. They brought us several bottles of their wine named RONAN from their private stock, made right in their own home! How cool is that!?! We are missing Ron and praying for his beloved Nancy that she will eventually find a new path that will again bring her happiness. We love you both.

  18. febrero 27th, 2014 | Anonymous |

    This my super hero.. This the most honest-to-goodness real man I have EVER had the pleasure of meeting, and I had the honor of calling him my DAD. Anyone who ever met him would agree that he could make you smile, laugh and just feel good about life. Not even in my rebellious teen years did I ever not have respect and love for him. He has taught me countless life lessons...including firing me from the dental lab in which he owned and my brother Darin also worked. I deserved it I took advantage of working for my father..... "I can do what I want he won't fire me he's my Dad". Just a small example of the tons of priceless life lessons he has given me. He gave back as much as he received throughout his life and then some I believe. He wasn't perfect but he was to me. I love you Pops I will miss you like crazy. Thank you for being my super hero.

  19. febrero 27th, 2014 | Jennifer Tislerics, Gift of Life Michigan |

    Ron was such a steadfast presence in our donation and transplant community - I'm going to miss his smile! I absolutely love how Ron and Nancy "adopted" Max and Gloria as their donor family. What a beautiful example of friendship and gratitude.


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