Ryan Rhoades, Donor

Ryan Rhoades Register in honor of Ryan

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I have peace knowing that I'll meet up with Ryan in Heaven...

Ryan Rhoades lived a full life, until a car accident took him away from us. His father, sister, friends and I miss him so much!!!! I have peace knowing that I’ll meet up with Ryan in Heaven. Because of his saving faith in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior, we can be assured that Ryan is celebrating with my parents, Uncle Paul and so many others who have gone before us. In honor of my son, Ryan, I have been placing Bibles at his memorial spot where his car accident occurred. I’m encouraged by how many have been taken. I pray that others will come to a saving faith in Jesus Christ. Love you Ryan! Mom

Become a part of Ryan Rhoades's story. Click Here.

  1. February 5th, 2025 | Jean Rhoades |

    Ryan, you are never forgotten <3

  2. January 16th, 2025 | Rebecca Rhoades |

    Happy birthday little brother. 💚💛 I have been reflecting on my journey with grief so far and praying today. I felt God leading me to use these days of reflection and heartache to recall memories with my brother instead of focus how down I feel. Pictured here is Uncle Paul, Ryan, and me. My brother and I had a shared favorite childhood memory with Uncle Paul. He had a van that we loved riding in! It only had a back row seat and the rest was flat and carpeted until the drivers seat. Our favorite part was there were no seatbelts for the back seat that we would sit in… So, as Uncle Paul would drive we would roll around the back of the van, letting the acceleration, turns, and breaking roll us back and forth. We called it the roller coaster. We didn’t try to hide that we were doing this. We would be giggling and say ‘wooooooah!’ as we would roll around. And I’m sure Uncle Paul heard our bodies thudding around the van like loose cargo. Was it safe? Absolutely not. Fun? The most! We would always look forward to our rides in the van for this reason. One day with much anticipation, we loaded up in the van as usual, but this time Uncle Paul started putting bungee cords across our laps and chests, securing us to the back seat, creating make shift seat belts. Ryan and I sat there in silence with heads lowered, knowing our days of rolling around in the van had come to an end. Uncle Paul didn’t say a word while he did this, but somehow there was an unsaid understanding and us accepting our fate. I remember us looking at each other after he finished securing us, feeling the pressure of the cords pressing into our bodies. All we could do was look at each other in solace. Our roller coaster van days were over. My brother and I would reminisce and laugh at this memory into our adulthood. My mom reminded me tonight that I loved this memory so much that I drew a picture of it! I will forever cherish this memory. ❤️

  3. December 7th, 2024 | Jean Rhoades |

    This morning at Ryan's Spot, while I was drawing chalk hearts on the sidewalk, a man in a truck parked by Ryan’s Spot. He said, “I see you here often. He must have been one hell of a man!”. I told him, “He is my son. And YES, he was one hell of a man!”. This guy, wearing a ball cap stating he’s an Army Veteran, offered me $20 'for my work'. I thanked him but didn’t accept it. I explained that the Bibles are donations and I come here weekly as a ‘love service’. I showed him the Bible chart and let him know that as of today 1,219 Bibles have been taken.

  4. October 10th, 2024 | Nick Mackenzie-Low |

    Ryan I’m really thinking about you brother. It’s really hard to believe 7 years have gone by since we last spoke and you were with us. I love you like a brother. We had so many good times! I’m sure you know that my son was born this year on 1/15. The odds of my son and you sharing that day of birth gives me comfort knowing you are with Our Lord. A thing that breaks my heart is I use to have awesome photos of us growing up. But I don’t have Facebook anymore so those photos are gone? I was so stupid to not save those photos before I deleted the account. I know your mom has a couple that I will ask her for. I Love you brother.

    • October 12th, 2024 | Anonymous |

      Here you go Nick - at a U of A football game

    • October 12th, 2024 | Jean Rhoades |

      Ryan's 15th Birthday Party at Rocks and Ropes

    • October 12th, 2024 | Jean Rhoades |

      Ryan's 14th Birthday Party

    • October 12th, 2024 | Jean Rhoades |

      Ryan's 8th grade graduation at FOL School

    • October 12th, 2024 | Jean Rhoades |

      Savanah Band

  5. July 27th, 2024 | Jean Rhoades |

    Love the "Friendship Bracelet" left at Ryan's Spot this past week! Warms my heart!!!!

  6. June 26th, 2024 | Jean Rhoades |

    We have a new cross for Ryan's Spot. A comment: "I love it, with the flowers and all of the rocks 🥹😍💖 it's so perfect!!! It's going to make such an impact on people who walk by there." 💖💖💖

    • June 26th, 2024 | Auntie Louise |

      That is really BEAUTIFUL! It brought tears to my eyes. As it will to many. He was so loved. And now he's with Jesus in heaven.

    • July 29th, 2024 | Nick Mackenzie-Lowe |

      Brings a tear to my eye. I miss my friend.

  7. May 29th, 2024 | Kevin Cerecer |

    I miss you dawg, love you man

    • May 29th, 2024 | Ryan Clark Trujillo |

      Ryan Rhoades had such an amazing light to him, funniest guy on the planet. Not a day goes by where I don’t miss that man. Great friends lead to great friends and great times ❤️

  8. April 25th, 2024 | Rebecca Rhoades |

    My brother died in a car accident. His crash site is near an underpass that has frequent foot traffic. My mom set up a stand with Bibles, devotionals, reading glasses, etc. It has been met with people destroying it over the years, but we continue to rebuild and continue the mission of spreading God’s Word no matter what evil is thrown our way. I host a Go Fund Me every year around the anniversary of his death to raise funds for the supplies. My mom has a great relationship with a local Christian thrift store that gives her Bibles that are donated and they won’t sell. She has done this for years and has tracked how many Bibles are taken and we just passed the 1,000 mark. Praise God!

    • June 26th, 2024 | Alia Merrill |

      Can you imagine all the people who are going to come up to you in heaven and say they never would have read a Bible if you hadn't been faithful and proactive in this spot? May the Lord bless that prayer and answer it so fruitfully Jean!!

  9. April 20th, 2024 | Jean Rhoades |

    This morning I went to Ryan's Spot to clean up and replenish Bibles. I keep a tally of Bibles taken. As of today, there have been ONE THOUSAOND AND ONE Bibles taken!!!! Please join me in praying for these individuals. May they come to know Jesus as their Savior.

  10. February 25th, 2024 | Jean Rhoades |

    <3 Forever in our hearts!

  11. November 3rd, 2023 | Jean Rhoades |

    We attended a "Donate Life Arizona" quilt pinning. I made a quilt square a few years ago and, recently, Rebecca was invited to design a square in memory of Ryan. Such a blessing knowing others quality of life improves by receiving organ donations.

  12. October 19th, 2023 | Jean Rhoades |

    Ryan, you are missed!

  13. February 23rd, 2023 | Selena Coveris |

    Hi Mrs. Rhoades! It’s been so, so long. I wanted to reach out, in hopes this brings you some form of comfort. Ryan came to me in a dream last night. We were in a classroom and had to move desks and him and I sat next to each other and just having fun, being silly and not paying attention to class. Of course he was being his goofy self. It was a great dream and I wanted to share.

  14. February 10th, 2023 | Jean Rhoades |

    This memory came up on facebook today and Ryan "liked" it.... from February 10, 2015: "The hopeful stare up the steps. The faithful step up the steps" Ann Voskamp

  15. January 22nd, 2023 | Lisa Mappes |

    LOVE seeing how God is working at Ryan's memorial spot.

    • January 22nd, 2023 | Jean Rhoades |

      The above note was found at Ryan Rhoades Memorial Spot. Here's what it says: Hello my brother, I and we, have come to thank you for all you have done for us. And even though we never met in your natural former life here on Earth, we have come to know each other here, in this spot. Years ago as I wandered I was brought to this location by a thought, call it a vibe, or a feeling of some safety here now. Psalm 39:5 “Look, you make my days short-lived, and my life span is nothing from your perspective. Surely all people, even those who seem secure, are nothing but vapor.” Selah

      • January 23rd, 2023 | Michelle Barents |

        So amazing how God is sending these people to encourage you to persevere in your loss of Ryan.

        • January 23rd, 2023 | Catherine Morgan |

          That is amazing and wonderful! How very special! God is using your deep and painful loss for His glory! Thank you SO much for sharing!

  16. December 27th, 2022 | Eddie Wolf |

    Merry Christmas. Hope you have a great holiday. Was thinking about Ryan yesterday. Went to a concert in Tucson last night.

  17. November 6th, 2022 | Jean Rhoades |

    Ryan, You are never forgotten! Love, Mom

  18. July 1st, 2022 | Jean Rhoades |

    I shared the "Free Bible" ministry at Ryan's Spot in Christ Community Church.

    • July 1st, 2022 | Jean Rhoades |

      Over 600 Bibles taken to date!

  19. April 16th, 2022 | Jean Rhoades |

    You are loved <3

  20. January 21st, 2022 | Jean Rhoades |

    Ryan, you are forever in my heart.

  21. November 1st, 2021 | Jarred Hill |

    "That game sold me the entire seat, but I only needed the edge of it!" That was one of my favorite Ryan Rhoades jokes by the way. Cracked me up the first time he said it.

  22. February 10th, 2021 | Thy Knuhtsen |

    Had an awesome day today. Sat down at the bar by myself and after a few beers, threw Badfish - Sublime on the jukebox for us. Thanks for hanging with me on this regular ass Tuesday. Love you bro

    • February 10th, 2021 | Tyler Masck |

      It still feels like he’s here everyday. Hard to believe he’s gone

      • February 10th, 2021 | Tyler Jones |

        It's still surreal even though it has been a small bit of time, I wish it never happened. Just quoted him literally 20min ago, laughed our asses off, I think of Ryan often, he is still so close to our hearts.

        • February 10th, 2021 | James Dluehosh |

          Every time sublime comes on 🙏🏼

  23. January 15th, 2021 | Kevin Cerecer |

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY BROTHER!!! Words can’t describe how much I MISS and LOVE you!!! I’ll never forget the good memories we had. I think about you every day! LITERALLY!! You are never forgotten and never will be. You are loved and always will be!! You are forever missed and always will be!! You’re the reason I am who I am today. Thank you for everything you’ve done for this world!! God bless you and your family!! I love you so much Ryan!!! Forever and ever!!! <3 <3 <3

    • January 15th, 2021 | Jean Rhoades |

      Happy 29th Birthday Ryan!!!!!

  24. January 3rd, 2021 | Jean Rhoades |

    Ryan - forever in my heart!

    • January 3rd, 2021 | Jean Rhoades |

      Ryan = never forgotten

  25. January 3rd, 2021 | Yvette C Winger |

    On the “Day of the Dead”, in my culture, we honor our family and friends whom have passed. I wanted to show you that Ryan was part of my family table. I just thought I’d show you that he is still remembered and loved by many.

  26. January 3rd, 2021 | Tyler Jones |

    Every time I hear Highway to Hell or Back in Black I think about my old friend, Ryan, and have a nice memory I'm thinking of you today buddy.

  27. January 3rd, 2021 | Kory Robidoux |

    I know he is at peace and with God now, but I still miss him dearly. I think of Ryan often.

    • January 3rd, 2021 | Michael Manno |

      I’m sitting here watching the Green Bay game and thinking about how the snow ruins the view. Not a major issue, it’s part of the fun. This led me to see the empty stands and wonder what seat Ryan is in. I’m sure he’s got the best seat in the house - yours and Green Bay. There’s not a week that goes by that I don’t remember Ryan, especially during football season. I wanted you to know that Jordan and I loved Ryan and remember him fondly.

  28. January 3rd, 2021 | Daniel Garcia |

    Ryan had a foul ball hit right to him at that game. We had a lot of fun!

  29. January 3rd, 2021 | Amy Burton |

    Thinking of you guys, remembering Ryan and keeping you and your family in our prayers.

  30. January 3rd, 2021 | Lisa Bielat |

    Isaiah 61 "Provide for those who grieve in Zion-- to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair." Love you!

  31. January 3rd, 2021 | Rebecca Rhoades |

    Today, I stopped to pray and I looked up and saw this. Love you little brother.

    • January 3rd, 2021 | Jean Rhoades |

      "I love my big sister!"

  32. January 3rd, 2021 | Ronnie Burton |

    Love you my brother. Miss u. Know you're sending your good energy down on us daily.

  33. January 3rd, 2021 | Jean Rhoades |

    This sign is on a semi-truck. It is most certainly true.

  34. October 14th, 2020 | Jean Rhoades |

    "Ryan's Spot" at Wilmot and I-10 where free Bibles are given away. As of today (October 14, 2020) 194 Bibles have been taken of which 9 are in Spanish. It warms my heart!!! ❤

    • October 28th, 2020 | Jean Rhoades |

      Wilmot and I-10

      • January 3rd, 2021 | Jean Rhoades |

        I've contacted ADOT about having a mural painted on the bridge embankment by Ryan's Spot at Wilmot and I-10. A couple of his buddies asked about having this done. It looks like a shot-in-the-dark with all of the legal issues (insurance and permits required, mural plans to be approved, and so on.) I plan to go ahead and submit the necessary paperwork and see if approval is given. (One week later) I've just heard back from ADOT's permit supervisor - "Ms. Rhoades, Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. I met with District Engineers late last week in regards to your request for painting the mural. District Engineers have denied the request. The SC District is fine with the memorial crosses but will not allow the mural. The State feels it is too much of a liability to allow citizens in our right of way to paint the mural and are against any distractions within our roadway network."

    • January 3rd, 2021 | Pastor Eric |

      What a beautiful and gripping update, Jean. I continue to rejoice in how God us using your son’s homegoing to spread his Word! To God be the glory. What an amazing testimony to Ryan’s life. May Jesus be exalted through it, and his Word spread!

    • January 3rd, 2021 | Unknown person |

      (This is a note found at Ryan's Spot.) 5/22/20 Joshua 1:9 ❤ I love you although I don’t know you. Hopefully this makes your day like it made mine. ❤ I started my Journey with God June of 2018 and I recently started reading my Bible and I’ve been wanting a complete Bible. I currently have the New Testament. When I got a Bible from here, I got into my car and started crying. I’m sorry for your lost. I promise you He is not forgotten. Thank you for my Bible. ❤

    • January 3rd, 2021 | Jess Rhoads |

      It looks beautiful and so inviting to those passing by in need of a loving reminder that God is great and with them always ❤️💜❤️

  35. September 13th, 2020 | Kristin Andrews |

    I was just talking to Jenny Thomasson about a story we used to share in middle school. I remember we bought these little locker things with a code and we both agreed to write the name of our crush and put it inside. I remember I put Ryan and she did too and we had a mini fight over who would get him. ❤ ❤ ❤ Always makes me smile thinking about those days. Even in tough times, remembering Ryan and Nick and Jenny and all, that makes me so happy!

  36. March 3rd, 2020 | Jean Rhoades |

    The Donor Network of Arizona has another "Quilt Pinning" ceremony this year. Rebecca designed this square for Ryan. We lovingly honor Ryan and all of those who donated organs, so others may live a fuller life.

  37. February 15th, 2019 | Jean Rhoades |

    The Donor Network of Arizona has a "Quilt Pinning" ceremony for families of loved ones that donated organs. I made this square to honor Ryan; yellow fabric with green writing and a football for the Packers, a cross for his Christian faith, and snare drum for his amazing beats The completed quilt will tour hospitals and Donor Network events.

    • March 10th, 2019 | Jean Rhoades |

      Ryan's kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Pat Zanta and I at the AZ Donor Quilt Pinning event March 10, 2019.

  38. December 6th, 2018 | Jean Rhoades |

  39. November 21st, 2018 | Karen Erb |

    So sorry that you are not with us on earth; missing your smile, wit, and, yes, your love for the Packers! You will always have a place in my heart. When I saw you on my last visit to Arizona, you said, "We hug because we are family." I remember the day you were born and I know that we are better for having you in our lives. One day we will hug again. Thank you, God, for the gift of Ryan and for taking him home to be with You eternally. Much love!

  40. November 20th, 2018 | Cathy MacFawn |

    I have come to believe and be acutely aware that Ryan is right next to you at all times. It is that he exists in a different dimension. One that we can't see or experience until we, too, translate into God's eternal kingdom. It makes me not feel quite so lonely.

  41. November 15th, 2018 | Jarred Hill |

    I think Zion misses him some. Zion legit kept looking at Ryan's picture. You’re not the only one, buddy, who misses Ryan

  42. November 8th, 2018 | Mallorie Kinkade |

    Ryan was an absolute beautiful soul. I had talked to him about life and change and the good things God has in store for us. He was too young. But his loving young soul will always live on. Prayers for you and your family. All I can be thankful for is how happy he was and how well he was doing. How into the Lord God he was and the good and happy you could see shine through his smile.

  43. November 8th, 2018 | Hunter Tek |

    Ryan was always a guy you liked seeing, even when it hadn't been for months or years- you could pick up where you left off and not miss a beat. This is truly a loss for everyone that ever crossed paths with him.

  44. November 8th, 2018 | Savannah FranCoeur |

    You are truly missed Ryan. Your kind heart and contagious smile will not be forgotten. Rest in peace my friend

  45. November 8th, 2018 | Melissa Conatser-Roberts‎ |

    My sincerest condolences go out to all of Ryan's family and friends. I was blessed to meet Ryan with the same interest in music. His spirit always shined, even through the tough times. Every goal he set, I watched him accomplish. With a heavy heart, I will Pray God wraps his arms around all to help each heal. Rest In Peace Ryan

  46. November 8th, 2018 | Celeste Dayana Aguirre Ramirez |

    I feel like we all still haven't accepted it because you were so young and full of life and it just doesn't seem fair! Thank you for all the amazing memories. You will forever be in our hearts! We love you Ryan! Rest in paradise?

  47. November 7th, 2018 | Nicole Nelson |

    You were always so full of life and so sweet to me. I have so many great memories of high school and drumline because of you and this is how I will always remember you...

  48. November 7th, 2018 | Heriberto Ramos |

    I can't imagine what are you and your family are going through!!! But you always be in my prayers! Ryan was more than a friend, he was my brother!and sometimes even more than that!!! My heart is broken for you!!??

  49. November 7th, 2018 | Jess Rhoads |

    Ryan's contagious smile & huge heart could never be forgotten! The memories I have of our time together will always warm my heart ♡ ♡ ♡

  50. November 7th, 2018 | Eric B Dust |

    Ryan Rhoades you had a very uplifting personality and friendly spirit. I miss ya buddy! My condolences to your family and loved ones. Never take life for granted. ❤️

  51. November 7th, 2018 | Jimmy Ingbretson |

    Miss you so much Ryan Rhoades. Rest in paradise brother. ☝?

    • November 17th, 2018 | Jimmy Ingbretson |

      I've been thinking a lot about the year I spent at Sahuaro, and Ryan was a huge part of it. I always look back on that year as some of the best times in my life and he was right there.

  52. November 4th, 2018 | James Dluehosh |

    Always there to have a solid debate in the sports world. Always was nice to hangout and shoot hoops with. Always a friendly convo. Was awesome to see the success and updates in his life and the progressions and accomplishment he was making. You will be missed Ryan. Enjoy heaven my friend.

    • November 7th, 2018 | Jarred Hill |

      Ryan and I have had lots of these arguments. We could argue anything sports though. I loved that about him.

  53. November 4th, 2018 | Hunter Tek |

    Ryan was always a guy you liked seeing, even when it hadn't been for months or years- you could pick up where you left off and not miss a beat. This is truly a loss for everyone that ever crossed paths with him.

  54. November 3rd, 2018 | Anonymous |

    Ryan, I miss you and think of you every day. I can't believe a year has gone by since you left us so suddenly. It's a comfort to know you are in Heaven with Grampa Jim, Gramma Ruth, Uncle Paul, and Grampa Robert, all who loved you so much. Love from Auntie Louise

    • November 3rd, 2018 | Jean Rhoades |

      Louise and Ryan

      • November 4th, 2018 | Jean Rhoades |


  55. October 30th, 2018 | Jean Rhoades |

    Ryan , a Green Bay Packers fan!

    • November 26th, 2018 | Kurt Smith |

      Miss you buddy. It's going to be hard to try to watch Packers without you.

  56. October 22nd, 2018 | Kathy Malkin |

    What an amazing gift of life from Ryan. It's a testament to his kind and loving nature!

  57. October 22nd, 2018 | Betsy Bradshaw |

    May the Lord give you joy in the midst of your grief as Ryan is making an impact on the lives of many. Praying for you!

  58. October 22nd, 2018 | Jack McMullen |

    ‎‎ I have to give a shout out to Ryan tonight, he may not be here, but in spirit he is.

  59. October 22nd, 2018 | Diana Prange |

    I still am in shock that Ryan is gone. But grateful though he is absent from us, he is in fellowship with his Savior, beholding his glory with unveiled face. Love and prayers to you.

  60. October 20th, 2018 | Robert Arroyo |

    I was in band with Ryan in High school and reconnected with him years later in college group at Christ Community Church. He was a good man and musician. He always made me laugh. There will come a time of joy. A time of celebration. And thankfulness to Him for the time we had with him. The glory he is witnessing now is far better than a thousand years on this earth.

    • October 30th, 2018 | Jean Rhoades |

      Sahuaro High School marching band.

  61. October 19th, 2018 | Dalton Taylor |

    I remember as it was yesterday playing ball at Gridley with Ryan. This truly breaks my heart to hear a brother has been taken far too soon. My heart is heavy for your family, prayers sent your way.

  62. October 19th, 2018 | Donna Koch |

    This is a beautiful statement of who Ryan was to follow through on signing up at such a young age. Proud of him giving the gift of donating. Hugs, prayers, and love ❤

  63. October 19th, 2018 | Jamie Boak |

    Absolutely amazing to see this side of the donation process. Thank you Ryan for choosing to be a donor the gift that keeps on giving. God bless you all as you go through this, it's such a delicate process on both sides. I know Ryan has saved lives♡?

    • October 30th, 2018 | Jean Rhoades |

      ❤ Donor Certificate ❤

  64. October 19th, 2018 | Kristin Andrews |

    I think of Ryan often, he was the type of friend where we could go a year without seeing one another but when we ran into each other it was just like the good old days. My life has been eternally blessed by the great sense of humor we shared ❤️

    • November 4th, 2018 | Michelle Erickson |

      About 5 years ago Ryan and I reconnected on facebook. We went to school together from 1st-8th grade at FOL. When we reconnected the first time, we laughed hard about how we used to terrorize each other, about how much we hated each other, and how silly we were for doing and thinking such things. Since then we had planned to meet up again in person, but things didn't seem to go in our favor each time. However, we remained in contact giving each other life updates and good laughs. I wish we could have seen each other in our present adult lives before you had to go. I was so sad to hear the call about your passing. Rest in paradise my friend, you are so loved!

      • November 4th, 2018 | Jean Rhoades |

        Kristin, Michelle, and Ryan's Fountain of Life 6th grade class

        • November 4th, 2018 | Jean Rhoades |

          Ryan's FOL class

    • November 8th, 2018 | Jean Rhoades |

      Ryan, Nick, Kristin, and Jenny

  65. October 19th, 2018 | Toby Rupel‎ |

    Hey man, I know that we didn't talk past high school but I still feel the impact that your awesome personality always brought to band every day the two years that I got to march with you at Sahuaro and that's just a testament to how great of a man you are. Those days that we threw down on the drumline are still some of my most treasured moments of my entire life (even now I can see you in your Machine uniform). It just saddens me that you are no longer here to give the world your sick beats, what you always did best. You are and always will be part of my family, a brother. I hope you are doing well wherever you might be and I hope to see you again. Love you Ryan

    • October 30th, 2018 | Jean Rhoades |

      Sahuaro High School drumline 2010

      • November 8th, 2018 | ‎Cory Real‎ |

        I was never very close to you, but I will always remember you as the goofy senior I met as a freshman in drum line. You always had a smile on your face and you knew how to have a good time. I’m really shocked and sad to hear the news.. prayers to the family. Rest easy drum line brother, keep playing those sick beats in heaven ??

  66. October 19th, 2018 | Samantha Back · |

    After your celebration of life, there were so many things that reminded me of you. The drumline all went out together and sublime came on. We obviously thought of you instantly. You made such an impact on us as a group, and I know we'll continue to honor you and share as many stories as we can to remember you. Being in drumline in high school was the best 4 years of my life. Your sense of humor was a huge part of it. You will be greatly missed, I'll forever miss the football shit talk. My thoughts and prayers are with your family.

    • October 30th, 2018 | Jean Rhoades |

      Sublime t-shirt

  67. October 19th, 2018 | Tyler Carlson‎ |

    I was blessed enough to have Ryan be my first best friend. As kids we were pretty inseparable, playing all the old great sports video games, pretending to be Vince Carter(Ryan) and Tracey McGrady(me), playing cards with the family and building sweet forts to play said video games in. I can still hear his cackling laugh from our childhood and it will always make me smile. There are so many fond memories I could go on forever. Our friendship didn't end there though. During and after high school we still hung out here and there. I remember the first time we hung out again after all that time had passed. I was instantly relieved to see that not much had changed. Ryan always had a goodness that's so genuine and rare everybody could feel it within 1 minute of talking to him. He wore his heart on his sleeve and his heart was huuuuge. You could talk to Ryan about ANYTHING and it was never awkward because he always spoke from his heart like a real man. I always admired Ryan for so many reasons. His genuine goodness, his athletic ability, and his ability to make anyone feel included anywhere. Being older now I realize just how much of a rare breed he was and how much we all need more people like Ryan especially in times like these. I'm gunna take all those things I admired about Ryan and try to do justice applying them in my own life. I'll miss you forever bud. My prayers to the Rhoades family. I love Ryan and I'm very grateful to all of your for being so awesome to me when I was little. You guys are great and I haven't forgot it. Thank you for so much!

    • October 30th, 2018 | Jean Rhoades |

      Ryan, Tyler, and buddies

  68. October 19th, 2018 | Robyn Rand |

    I will always miss my good friend Ryan. The most genuine kind and polite person I know. Beyond this earthly realm we have something even more in common aside from sobriety. I was a live kidney donor on 6/22 /16 to my recipient and I'm very touched to know that he still lives in this lifetime. I love you Ryan ❤

  69. October 19th, 2018 | Evan Greeneltch |

    I hadn't seen you in quite some time, but you had always been a great friend. Seems like only yesterday we finished a basketball game at school then the weekend and we were all hanging out. You were always a kind, compassionate, & loving person. You were an exceptional man, I can't believe you are gone, love you brother, see you in Heaven one day. Until then you will be GREATLY missed Ryan! My thoughts and prayers are with the Rhoades family, God bless.

    • October 30th, 2018 | Jean Rhoades |

      Fountain of Life School basketball

  70. October 19th, 2018 | Julianne Shaffer |

    I pass, by everyday, the place where the accident occurred. Literally think of you guys everyday. Also reminds me everyday is a gift and blessing.

    • October 30th, 2018 | Jean Rhoades |

      Wilmot & I-10

      • November 8th, 2018 | Susan Samoy |

        This picture is amazing, it is as if you can see the rays of Christ streaming down. Ryan’s in God’s arms. It’s like a sign from Christ.

  71. October 18th, 2018 | Nick Mackenzie-Low |

    Ryan was so immensely talented. The best drummer I’ve known, he was the kind of person who excelled at anything he tried. His personality was larger then life and he had the ability to cheer you up when you could be at your lowest point. A great friend. I miss him dearly. I thank the Lord for creating such a unique and ultimately such a monumental person in so many of our lives. I trust in God’s plan, and although in my eyes Jesus took Ryan home too soon God is perfect in everything he does.

    • October 30th, 2018 | Jean Rhoades |

      "Savanah" - Ryan on drums, Brandon and Nick on guitar

  72. October 18th, 2018 | Tyler Maack |

    Miss you Ryan and still think about you all the time.

  73. October 18th, 2018 | Molly McGinnis |

    Although I did not know Ryan, truly a gift to those around him.

  74. October 18th, 2018 | Tyler Richardson |

    I miss your son everyday, he was an amazing friend.

  75. October 17th, 2018 | Kevin Cerecer |

    I still can’t believe it’s been one year since you’ve left us. Everyday I still think about you. The good times we had, the good laughs we had, our longboard adventures, the late night jam sessions. I miss everything about you. But I know one day I’ll see you again, so save me a seat up there! Love you bud! ❤️

    • October 30th, 2018 | Jean Rhoades |

      Ryan and Kevin

  76. October 17th, 2018 | Jean Rhoades |

    Ryan , a Green Bay Packers fan!

    • October 18th, 2018 | Pat Zanta |

      It just isn't as fun to follow "our Packers" without seeing Ryan's reactions on FB. I hope that the Pack makes him proud this season ????. Love, prayers, and hugs, my friend.

    • October 19th, 2018 | Chloe Newell |

      Not everyone knows that I have one of the biggest families you'll ever find. This family is my family in Christ, that I grew up with. Fountain of Life Lutheran Church and School is where the majority of my childhood memories are from. Memories that I will never forget! People I will never forget! We lost another family member, and fellow cheese head, Ryan Rhoades! I can not express to the Rhoades how saddened I am by this sudden news. I can, however, say that you have a family here for you! A family that can never be replaced!! My prayers go out to the Rhoades and your entire family! I pray that God can bring you peace during this rough time, and that he wraps his arms around this family and protects my brothers and sisters in Christ.


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