(English) Dawn Lovey Nicholas, Familia donante

(English) Dawn Lovey Nicholas Regístrate en honor de (English) Dawn

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(English) Our family attended Donor Network of Arizona meetings and honored those who died and donated...

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  1. septiembre 13th, 2024 | Dawn Lovey Nicholas |

    I did want to add, if I may. When my Mother Joan and sister Svana, died in the same week. Their skin was donated to graft healthy skin for people who suffered terrible Burns. Sometimes organs aren't usable due to the health of the decedent, but there are so many ways, through tissue and organ donations that You can truly make a difference in Someone's life. I know my heart will not be usable due to C.H.F., and two Heart attacks but all of my other organs are healthy. I did not think I would qualify as a Donor, having a weak heart, until my Mom and Sister died. I attended, with my Family a Donor Network Luncheon. I learned so much. I was brought to tears by a Father of 5 younger children, who spoke that day. He was only Alive because of the Extremely, Generous Donor Family, Who Gifted him twice. First With a Healthy Heart ❤️ Secondly, Five Children Still Have a Daddy. Please Consider Becoming a Donor. You Will Touch Familes In Far More Many Ways than you could Imagine.


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