Jaimy Nicole Burdine, Donante

Jaimy Nicole Burdine Regístrate en honor de Jaimy

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Jaimy is a hero to our family...

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  1. abril 5th, 2018 | Rachel |

    Hi, I am here because of Jaimy's unselfish act to save her son. I was close to death when the Doctors cam into my room and told me they had found my lungs. They were being flown from Arizona and I would be prepped that after noon. Two days later I woke up to my husband sleeping next to me in a chair and within hours I was able to breath again without the help of oxygen. Next week is my 3 year post transplant and I owe my life to Jaimy. Every Breath I take I am Blessed by Jaimy, she is in my thoughts everyday.

  2. octubre 30th, 2016 | Chris |

    Jaimy is a true hero! We miss you, Jaimy!

  3. Pingback: Buckeye mother saves 5 lives after death


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