(English) Jeff Tallman, Donante en vida

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  1. septiembre 19th, 2024 | Betty Day |

    I am so very happy for you. I too am a Kidney Recieptient. I received my Kidney in 2001 and have been doing FANTASTIC! It has given me 23 yrs of enjoying life, going on 24! My donor and I celebrate every year. Our story is to long to type out. However it was all an absolute "GOD SEND!". I did not know this man, my donor. I actually put him off for a year because I was so afraid of the Transplant. I too was on Dialysis for 2 yrs.

  2. septiembre 18th, 2024 | Carole Tower |

    Our son Bill looked so much like your friend who is a donor. Bill worked as an Organ Donor Coordinator in Phoenix for fifteen years. Bill passed away on October 11, 2020 due to colon cancer. Bill believed in organ donation so much, but due to the cancer he could not donate himself. So very glad that your friend and you are now both well.

  3. septiembre 18th, 2024 | Carole Tower |

    Yout friend looks so much like our son Bill Tower who was an Organ Donor Coordinator for fifteen years in Arizona. He passed awsy on October 11, 2020 due to colon cancer. Bill believed in organ donation so muvh, but due to the cancer he could not donste himself.

  4. septiembre 18th, 2024 | Carole Tower |

    Our son Bill Tower looked so much like your friend, who is a donor. Bill worked as an Organ Donor Cordinator in Arizona for fifteen years. He passed away from colon cancer on Octobrr 11, 2020. He believed so much in the importance of organ donation, but he could not donate himself because of his cancer. I am so happy to hear of the success in your recovery, .for both you and your friend.


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