Jonathan Daniel Lorenz, Donor

Jonathan Daniel Lorenz Register in honor of Jonathan

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Danny wished to help people when he passed...

My husband Jonathan, most knew as Danny. Danny was an amazing man who started his career as a volunteer fireman for The Eloy Fire District. Danny excelled in every aspect of the EMS and fire service—one of the first to be hired full-time. As a Paramedic/Fireman he worked through Eloy Fire District ranks to retire after 36 years as a Division Chief. He cared for the residents of Eloy. Many owed their life or loved one’s life to the emergency care he gave. Danny would carry on conversations with strangers wherever he would go. I would tease him and tell him “You just can’t leave people alone” Danny wished to help people when he passed. His Montra was ” You can be part of the solution or part of the problem; I want to be the solution” Jonathan Daniel Lorenz left a big hole in the hearts of the Eloy community and his family. A hole that will never be filled.

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