Jose Luis Leon, Donor
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His family will deeply miss his spirit, love, and soul...
Jose Luis Leon was born in Mesa, AZ, on February 12, 1986, to Gloria Chase and Jose Gilbert Leon. He was best known for his charm, green eyes and bright smile. Luis loved dancing in his diaper which earned him the nickname by his uncle, Pipiri Pao, after a singer. Growing up in San Diego, CA, and playing soccer in a league also attribute to being a No. 1 Chargers fan. Arizona Cardinals soon won his heart once he transitioned to Ariz. in his early adulthood. Jose engaged in frequent barbecues, with family functions being one of his favorite pastimes. Luis was a social butterfly who enjoyed meeting new people, drinking and sharing stories. In January 18, 2007, he became a father to his only child and daughter, Arianna Leon. He leaves behind his family who will deeply miss the spirit, love, and soul of Jose Luis.
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