Joseph Garcia, Donor

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His beautiful spirit lives on...
My beautiful boy was full of LIFE, LOVE, JOY and CREATIVITY. His gentle smile and charismatic personality drew people to him like a magnet. Always rooting for the underdog, Joseph never liked to see people treated unjustly, nor bullied. He didn’t see your outward beauty, but your inner beauty. His group of friends come in all ages, shapes, sizes and colors. A testament to his ability to see beyond the flesh, but to see the soul of others, and they are all wonderful people. As a mother, that one characteristic makes me the most proud. I often referred to him as my unicorn. I knew how wonderfully special he was and felt that way in his presence. Joseph’s beautiful spirit lives on through the gifts he has donated, and I hope those recipients sprinkle a bit of his magic to others as they live their lives.
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