Nathan Andy Valdez Porras, Donante

Nathan Andy Valdez Porras

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He is now an angel who got a chance to save lives...

Ahora es un ángel que tuvo la oportunidad de salvar vidas…Nathan nació el 15 de septiembre de 2011. Era un niño de 4 años saludable y feliz. Su mejor amigo era su hermano de 6 años. Amaba tanto a su hermanito de un añito. También amaba mucho a su hermano de 9 años. Siempre estaba tratando de mantener feliz al hermanito bebe. Siempre le gustaba estar con Papá para aprender, y cuando estaba enfermo quería estar solo con él. Nathan siempre solía cortar flores del patio para Mamá, y cuando necesitaba un abrazo o un beso siempre era de mami. Nathan aprendió a andar en una bicicleta de dos ruedas rápidamente. Nathan estaba tan emocionado porque iba a comenzar el kínder. En su último día, él estaba preguntando cuándo sería su cumpleaños.

Nathan falleció en febrero de 2016. Ese día fue un día normal. Recogimos a el hermano de Nathan de la escuela y Nathan quiso ir a la casa de su abuela. Cuando salimos del carro, el camión de helados venía, así que Papá decidió comprar helados para Nathan y sus tres hermanos. Papá cruzó la calle con Nathan y sus hermanos, todos los niños tomaron su helado. Mientras Papá pagaba por los helados, Nathan corrió muy contento con su helado de regreso a la casa de su abuela. Cuando corrió, Papá corrió para tratar de agarrarlo, pero fue demasiado tarde. Otra camioneta venía en dirección de Nathan quien cruzaba la calle. La persona en la camioneta no bajo la velocidad, a pesar de que había un camión de helados con niños, y ella no vio a Nathan. Nathan falleció allí, y en los brazos de su mami tuvo su último aliento.

Al día siguiente recibimos una llamada de la Red de Donantes de Arizona para ver si queríamos que Nathan fuera donante, y dijimos que sí. Ahora Nathan es un héroe porque donó tejido. Recibimos una carta semanas más tarde diciendo que Nathan salvaría 12 vidas, y ya ha ayudado a cuatro personas que recibieron una donación de tejido.

Nathan es ahora un ángel que tuvo la oportunidad de salvar vidas. Extrañamos mucho a Nathan todos los días, pero estamos tratando de ser fuertes para Nathan. Estamos tratando de mantener su legado vivo.

En recuerdo de Nathan Andy Valdez Porras.
De: Mamá, papá y hermanos.
15/09/2011 – 02/2016

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  1. febrero 23rd, 2025 | Jessie |

    God Bless Nathan & his family. Little sweetheart. Donor Hero 💙💚

  2. febrero 1st, 2018 | |

    We all miss Nathan so much every day more ,our lifes have been changed Forever ,nothing is the same anymore. I miss so much Nathans kisses ,he's face,he's smiles,he's hugs ,he's laugh, He's voice just everything..... We just can belive that he has gone to A better place and we know he's okey... Just it's so hard to beilve that's small child and healthy can happen this.... One day you see him next second he has been gone..... I just wasn't prepare for this to happend. I wish I could change everything that day But God it's the only one who has all the answers to my questions. Now we Honoring Nathans life By saving other lifes to others who need it. In loving memory of Nathan Andy ?? From you Mommy. Love you forever my little Angel , You always will be my baby . Love Mommy ❤

  3. febrero 1st, 2018 | Nathan’s big brother |

    To my little brother Nathan, It all started when going to Rogelio's house.When we got their we all saw a ice cream truck. Me Nathan and Andres wanted ice cream so we stop to get ice cream. My dad was paying for the ice cream. I was the first one to get ice cream so when I got it I when through the road to Rogelio's house. Then when I was going to the back yard I heard a sweeking loud noise from the front. Then worried what happened so I went to the front in till I see blood on my mom's shirt. That was the time I see Nathan with blood on him while he was pass out. In my heart it felt like my heart was dieing. I was crying so much. When the firefighters came they camed me down. So I stopped and I just sat in my chair just thinking that he is going to pass away. The firefighters kept telling me don't worry everything is going to be all right. My nana came to pick me up. We arrived at my nana s house. She offered me a corn dog. That day was the worst place in my life it was worst because it was 10 days for my birthday. Nathan would allways play with Andres and me. He will be the dog and we have to not let him not get us. Rest In Peace Nathan (R.I.P.N).

  4. enero 27th, 2018 | Rosa Isela Valdez |

    Nathan is my 6th grandson, he was a beautiful child since he born, beautiful, smart and lovely kid with everybody in the house, I remember when he wanted to be with Nana, he just came and sit on the couch looking around and waiting in case Nana has to go somewhere, then he run into the car and enjoy the ride..his smile illuminated the world and his flirtatious eyes was a dream. Since he died nothing is the same. Celebrations, birthdays and every holiday there is an empty spot that no one can fill. Our consolation is that now he lives in many people ..and each one has a little part of our Nathan..My little and lovable Nathan, now you are an Angel in heaven and watching us..We will love you and we live waiting he day we meet in heaven to kiss and hug you for an eternity. WITH LOVE YOUR NANA!!

  5. enero 27th, 2018 | Ashley Tuilefano |

    Nathan was such a sweet boy with a beautiful soul always happy with the most beautiful smile that could light up the world. I will always have the memory of pulling up to the house and Nathan running up to the car with an enormous, glowing smile that would brighten my day. He will forever live on in the hearts of everyone who knew and loved him. He is a Hero and an Angel who touched the lives of everyone here on earth, and continues to do so from Heaven.

    • enero 27th, 2018 | Berta Porras |

      Thank you so much for been part of Nathans life and story. Thank you for all the beautiful memories that you keep on your heart ?? Nathan always will be in our hearts. ? God bless you!?

  6. diciembre 28th, 2017 | Patty Sanchez-Valdez |

    Nathan - this is yr daddy Cuzin . I love never forget the first time I met you. We got to spent time at hotel and swim. The years have gone by... yr memory and love continues to grow. Mommy, Daddy, yr brothers , Nana, Tata , Cuzin’s and family continue to celebrate yr life. Please continue to look after each and everyone... I know, I have witnessed it, you often come around... give us signs you are there. We love the feeling knowing you are❤️. We love you Nathan; you r defiantly an Angel in heaven... Love - Patty Sanchez-Valdez Ps: It makes me feel good knowing you have helped others in need... You r defiantly a Hero and Angel in our eyes...


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