Nico Raul Valenzuela, Donor

Nico Raul Valenzuela Register in honor of

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Heaven knows how much I miss him...

Nico was a kind soul. Fun-loving and would give you his shirt right off his back. He loved to draw, it was his passion. He as was true artist at heart. Everything he did involved some kind of form of art, his work, when he play, from his dancing to his dedication to tribal ceremonies with the Pascua Yaqui Tribe and everything he did, he did with heart. I know that the Heavens gained a true angel. He was a father of 3 and was my middle child. He was tragically taken away from us in a domestic argument that ended in gun violence. Though my son is physically gone, he lives in me and his family every day. As I drive around town and see familiar things, I remember the silly things we did together, the laughter, the love, the heartaches we endure together. Heaven knows how much I miss him.

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