Noel Rivera Fuentes, Donor

Noel Rivera Fuentes

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Three wonderful people now share a part of Noel...

In October 2015, we all lost a son, brother, father, cousin, nephew, and friend at age 26. Noel did everything he could to help people out. Even after death he managed to do so by saving the lives of three wonderful people that now share a part of Noel. We won’t see your bright pearly smile that made us give in to your charms and won us over, but you’ll forever be in our hearts and in the lives of everyone you touched. Rest in peace!

Become a part of Noel Rivera Fuentes's story. Click Here.

  1. October 11th, 2024 | Anonymous |

    Always ❤️✨

  2. August 4th, 2024 | Thomasrog |

    TorZon Market - best darknet shop

  3. August 15th, 2023 | Anonymous |


  4. December 27th, 2022 | Viri |

    These are the days that hit the most! I wish you were here brother! I miss you so much and it doesn't feel like this hurt goes away as much as I want to think its slowly fading away its really not!

  5. September 30th, 2022 | Anonymous |

    Missing you Noey..heading into the worse month ..just always shine bright Noey ❤️✨🌕 FOREVER.

  6. September 8th, 2022 | Viri |

    Baby girl is growing so fast! I wish you were here to see your beautiful daughter grow to become a little lady.

  7. June 23rd, 2022 | Anonymous |

    You are truly missed down here. Fly high Noey❤️

  8. November 27th, 2021 | Viri |

    Missing more and more everyday 😪

  9. October 1st, 2021 | Anonymous |

    Hardest month ever…your missed..your loved…shine bright Noey ♥️

  10. May 24th, 2021 | Anonymous |

    Missing you so much 😢

  11. November 8th, 2020 | Anonymous |

    Also baby girl is getting so big! BTW she acts just like you.

  12. November 8th, 2020 | Anonymous |

    Also baby girl is getting so big! BTW she acts just like you.

  13. November 8th, 2020 | Anonymous |

    Missing you so much 😢

  14. October 13th, 2020 | DL |


  15. June 21st, 2020 | Viri |

    Happy Father's day in Heaven brother! I miss you dearly each and everyday.

  16. April 27th, 2020 | Anonymous |

    Missing you like crazy! I can't believe its almost going to be 5 years. 😭 this is all still so unreal.

  17. February 6th, 2020 | MixKib |

    hi guys :). I am looking for help for me and my girl. i am from France

  18. January 7th, 2020 | D.L |

    New Year..Same emptiness..your smile is missed everyday! Miss you Noey ❤️

  19. October 17th, 2019 | Viri |

    Missing your beautiful smile these days

  20. October 1st, 2019 | Lisa |

    Miss you Noey ❤️ Almost four years since you left us 💔😢

  21. August 5th, 2019 | Alysson |

    1st grade here we go. Love you and miss you so much

    • August 8th, 2019 | Alysson |

      1st grade

  22. December 28th, 2018 | Diana L |

    ❤️ Miss you ❤️

  23. October 7th, 2018 | Viri |

    Noel I just want you to know that I miss you so much! Not one day goes by that I don't think of you.

  24. August 1st, 2018 | Yocelin |

    Well the day we were waiting for is finally here, our baby girl is starting kindergarten. She’s super smart and sassy. She hasn’t forgotten about you she asks about you everyday she wants to be just like you , Aidan tells her stories about you all the time. She joined the soccer team at her school I told her you didn’t want her to be a cheerleader lol. I wish you could of been here to see them walk in their classrooms. Just know that your babies love you so much and miss you everyday . Will go visit you soon we love you Noel !!

  25. July 19th, 2018 | Anonymous |

    I love you Noel and I miss you so much -B

  26. June 29th, 2018 | Alysson |

    I love you

  27. June 29th, 2018 | Alysson |

    Baby girl is getting so big she wants you to know that she loves you so much, she also wanted me to tell you that she remembers you feeding her when she was a baby ?

    • June 29th, 2018 | Anonymous |

      I love you Papi

  28. May 14th, 2018 | Anonymous |

    Miss you so much cuzzo can’t believe you’re really gone. You are sure missed and your legacy lives on. Forever in our hearts Noey

  29. April 4th, 2018 | Anonymous |

    I miss you so much Noel! I hope you keep watching over us. I love you

  30. January 2nd, 2018 | Anonymous |

    Just know you baby girl is the smartest brightest kid you'll ever meet

  31. November 13th, 2017 | Anonymous |

    Missing you everyday like crazy!

  32. August 28th, 2017 | Anonymous |

    I miss you everyday my noi forever in my heart .

  33. June 30th, 2017 | Yocelin |

    Oh Noel where do I begin ? They day is getting closer the day that we were both waiting like crazy, the day where our princess will be starting school. We both imagined walking our princess to her class room, we had so many plans for her and Aidan. Life is not the same anymore at least not mine. Our plans are still the same but now I have to do them without you. I remember the day when we found out we were having a little girl I cried of excitement and you hugged me and said thank you for our little princess. You would talk about how we had to save money for her quinceañera and she wasn't even born yet. The day you felt her move in my stomach for the first time your face was priceless and thank you for all the times you went out to buy me all the stuff I would crave. Those are all the memories I have and the ones I will share with the kids. There's days where I feel like giving up but I see our babies and I know you wouldn't want them to stay alone in this world. Please know that we miss you like crazy and everyday we talk about you and we remember you. I love you Noel since the first day we met back in 4th grade. I will always remember that little kid that would tickle me during class but also the one that was always there to listen to me. I miss you and love you Noel.

  34. April 29th, 2017 | Anonymous |

    The months are passing by faster than I call it a day. There's no way there's 24hrs in a day. Even though I have a little piece of heaven to come home to I don't think a house is considered a home unless those people who'm you lived your life for are physically there. The holidays came and passed and it will never be the same without you. I'm seeing all these familiar faces just not the ones I wish I would see. Things have changed around here since you've been gone. I don't even go up and say hi to those family members/friends that you were once so close to and there's not doubt in my mind that you would be bothered by the way I feel. You know that I'm the type of person that looks at things from both ends of the table. So I know that you know that I'm not wrong for the way I feel.The birthdays and celebrations are coming and going and I'm still confused to why I'm not seeing you there. The last person I would ever think of losing would be you. I don't wish this pain upon no one not even my worst enemy and you know I'm saying nothing but the truth. I honestly do believe that you were the bright star in our family from my eyes you were everything. I mean we are all stars but you are the one that always did shine a little brighter not only because of your white ass teeth but because you had a big ❤️ everyday I wake up living my life for you. You and my baby are my motivation you guys keep me going even if I'm running off a little bit of sleep I really do hope I never fail either one of you guys

  35. March 15th, 2017 | Brianna |

    I had a dream about you last night, it felt so real. I wish you were still here I miss you more and more everyday. I love you Noey.

  36. March 3rd, 2017 | Viri |

    Just wanted to say that everyday I miss you more and more! I love you so much!

  37. December 30th, 2016 | Anonymous |

    I miss and love to so much! Keep watching over us. I wish this was all a dream I hate when reality slaps us in the face and let's us know this is real, Just know that you are missed like no other... “God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away” (Revelation 21:4).

  38. October 13th, 2016 | Anonymous |

    You were the life of the party the one who actually knew how to have fun and make others laugh just with your smile . Not a day goes by you aren't on my mind . You were a great father and friend and we all miss you dearly . Now one year later and we are all still trying to cope with your loss ... you were gone too soon rip

  39. October 7th, 2016 | Diana |

    What keeps me sane is knowing I have memories of us, the pictures captured a glimpse, but my heart captured everything like a film recorder. I pray for you I sit and ask myself why why couldn't I of been there? Why wasn't I there to help you? You are loved. You are missed. Reach down and take my hand. Take me to heaven with you. When I think of you my eyes rain I don't like to think you were in that much pain there were no clouds such a wonderful day if only you kept on shining You gave me love and touched my life it's all over now you no longer have to fight when I see those pictures of you smiling I remember the things that you were hiding you didn't have to turn away we all wanted you to stay if only you could talk you usually didn't have no fear when I knew what you were doing I knew that I would stand by you and help you through I look up the stars at night to see which one is shining bright I wish I could see your smile I would travel those extra miles can't get you out of my mind and it's supposed to get easier in time I love You, I miss You, I wish you were here losing you was my greatest fear

  40. October 5th, 2016 | Viri |

    Noel words cannot describe the way I feel right now! I miss you so much it's almost a year since you left our side and let me tell you it's been the hardest year of my life. Especially these days all I can think about is that this time last year were your final days with us and what pains me the most is knowing I didn't get to talk to you or see you. But know that you'll forever be in my heart and mind, I love you so much and miss you so very much

  41. August 8th, 2016 | Anonymous |

    They say time heals all, but not always. I miss you My dear cousin, we know God does things for reasons, but what is this one ? Miss your smile, your laugh, or you simply saying "let's go eat" miss everything about you! ❤️❤️ Here's a little memory of Azari & Aly.

  42. June 30th, 2016 | Brianna F. |

    Everything is different ever since you left. Not a day goes by that I don't think of you, I miss you more and more everyday, i'm starting to feel empty without you. You will forever have a place in my heart, you were my only brother. I love and miss you brother :'(.

  43. June 3rd, 2016 | Viri |

    Because we love you so much and think about you constantly, I hope you love this Noel

    • June 6th, 2016 | Anonymous |


  44. May 20th, 2016 | viri |

    Noel I know you're tired of hearing me cry but I miss you so much! What am I supposed to do I can't I just can't get over this It's been the hardest situation I've ever had to handle. Noellani should be here soon please watch over her and over Aly, by the way Aly misses you so much. ?❤

  45. March 30th, 2016 | Lupita. R |

    My noi once again you visited me again,you were so happy like always I miss your hugs your laugh your voice .and thru dreams is the only way I get to see you again and hear your laughter your face you looked so real I miss so much ,love always..forever in my heart..

  46. March 24th, 2016 | Jessica Sanchez |

    Miss seeing your goofy self!!! Always in our hearts!! Thanks for cheering me up when I was heart broken..miss u lots!! ❤❤❤❤

  47. March 21st, 2016 | Viri |

    Noel while we're still all in shock that everything has become more realistic, I'm sure that you're in a way better place than we are. But I miss you so much! As we try and move on with life it seems impossible my heart hurts literally hurts especially when I see my mom in your room laying on your bed thinking of you. I can't wait to see you again! Just so you know your baby girl is your damn twin now =) she's such a good girl she's gonna be just like her daddy! I love you so much Noel and miss you like crazy!

  48. March 12th, 2016 | Anonymous |

    Love love

  49. March 12th, 2016 | Anonymous |

    Tu nena

  50. March 12th, 2016 | Lupita. R |

    My noi I miss you so much .this days have been very hard I know your in a better place but God does this hurt!I guess I'm lucky to have so many dreams of you as if you're trying to tell something and I do communicate all of my dreams with all of The family..i know i will see you soon to like you said in my dream mijo I miss your hugs kisses,voice cuando te enojadas todo eso because that was you ,love your tia lupe forever in my heart.this is not a good bye its a see you later my love noi.

  51. March 12th, 2016 | Lupita. R |

    My noi I miss you so much .this days have been very hard I know your in a better place but God does this hurt!I guess I'm lucky to have so many dreams of you as if you're trying to tell something and I do communicate all of my dreams with all of The family..i know i will see you soon to like you said in my dream mijo I miss your hugs kisses,voice cuando te enojadas todo eso because that was you ,love your tia lupe forever in my heart.this is not a good by its a see you later my love noi.

  52. March 10th, 2016 | Tash |

    I can't believe you are gone. Living so far away I barely recieved noticed that you have been called to God in his Kingdom. I was just thinking of you the other day when I dropped my quarter and laughed to myself about our joke that never got played out. And to our "sploosh" moments haha. You were always a good friend and I will miss you dearly.

    • March 21st, 2016 | Anonymous |

      Thank you for sharing this picture of our brother Noel!

  53. March 9th, 2016 | Stephanie J | Oh my sweet Noel, I miss you so much!!! Everyday that passes I miss you that much more. I am always reminded that you are with us. I catch myself thinking about the times you'd come over and we talk about anything and everything. Or when we were both pharm techs and the fun we'd have at work or in the warehouse. I miss your smile, you laugh and most of all you! I know you're in heaven watching over us. I will continue to talk to you because I know you're listening. I love you so much Noel Rest peacefully my handsome angel ❤️

  54. February 4th, 2016 | Anonymous |

    Death leaves a heartache no one can heal, love leaves a memory no one can steal! I miss and love you so much brother! Rest in paradise

  55. January 22nd, 2016 | Anonymous |

    Don't cry for me, I will be okay. Heaven is my home now, and this is where I'll stay. Don't cry for me, I'm where I belong. I want you to be happy and try to stay strong. Don't cry for me, It was just my time. But I will see you someday on the other side. Don't cry for me, I am not alone. The angels are with me to welcome me home. Don't cry for me, for I have no fear. All my pain is gone, and Jesus took my tears. Don't cry for me, this is not the end. I'll be waiting here for you, when we meet again.

  56. December 23rd, 2015 | Brianna |

    I miss you so much Noey, nothing is the same without you. I love you so much and I wish you were still here ???❤️. You're my one and only brother and you always will be, just like you will always be in my heart. I will always cherish our memories ???. We will meet again one day ???❤️.

  57. December 22nd, 2015 | Anonymous |

    Love you

  58. December 18th, 2015 | yoyo |

    we will all miss you noey we all miss you god is going to take care of you

  59. December 18th, 2015 | Anonymous |

    I’m Free Don’t grieve for me for now I’m free, I’m following the path God laid for me. I took his hand when I heard him call, I turned my back and left it all. I could not stay another day To laugh, to love, to work or play. Tasks left undone will stay that way, I found that peace at close of day. If my parting has left a void Then fill it with remembered joy A friendship shared, a laugh a kiss, Ah yes, these things I, too, will miss. But not burdened with times of sorrow, I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow. My life has been full, I’ve savored much. Good friends, good times, a loved ones touch. Perhaps my time seemed all to brief Don’t lengthen it now with undue grief, Lift up you hearts and share with me, God wanted me now, He set me free. ~Author Unknown

  60. December 4th, 2015 | Kimberly |

    Noel I know I never saw u in person but seeing u in the hospital made me sad and I started tearing up. A bunch of family members miss u and love u so much and me to. I will really miss u a lot. Even though I was never with u I know u were fun. I know we have something in common because u liked helping people out and even after ur death u still did it. I love helping people in need it just makes me happy seeing others people happy. We all will miss u so much and we will ever forget all those good times with u. I will miss u so much and love u. U will never be forgotten. Love Kimberly ur cousin

  61. December 3rd, 2015 | Diana Lopez |

    My Forever NOeyBird! Where to even begin knowing my words can only do so much. Everyday, every sec of life you are on my mind. This past month has been the hardest, not seeing you or receiving any text or hearing your voice, I know God had different plans for you but i just want you to know i will always be there with you until the end. I miss and love you so much pa! Your memories will be forever! ??

    • December 3rd, 2015 | Anonymous |


  62. December 3rd, 2015 | Juan Avalos |

    Brother, I'm going on 20 years knowing u, from small snot nose kids riding our scooters to and from ur house and Brian's. To taking random trips to flagstaff or Vegas, I shared many moments with u brother that not many seen from u, I saw u she'd tears and smiles and out of a 24 hour day I spent more than half hanging out with u. As adults we didn't spend as much time together and felt as though we drifted apart but we always found time to talk n chill. I hope the world knows a wonderful person and soul was taken away so young, and how u are missed everyday by all. A smile so pure that it could change anyone's day, u r loved and even in ur passing u continued to help others as u always did in living. We miss u brother and I'll see u soon, not too soon because we still have a while and I hope u watch over all of us. Love u brother, and u r always missed ( "Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened " -Dr. Seuss

  63. December 3rd, 2015 | Maria Ruiz |

    I miss u everyday every second when I hear the songs u would ask me the name for I can't believe u r not here to say a Joke to give m a hug,a kiss,a hug I just miss you so much mijo u are a very especial person to us ur the sunshine that wakes us up i are the star that shines in the night to give us light there is alot of things that remind of u mi hermozo Noel we love i and miss you sooo much u are not gone u are just traveling and soon we will meet again...

  64. December 2nd, 2015 | Alissa O |

    Oh Noey, There isn't a day I don't think of you. Seeing the sadness in your mom's eyes isn't something I'm used to. I Miss you, we all miss you Noel. We had so many memories---the only thing I have left of yours. As I wipe these tears off, I tell myself I will see you again. I love you cuzzo & thanks for leaving the best thing we could have asked for --- Alysson. Till next time ❤️

    • December 12th, 2015 | Anonymous |

      Family is forever ❤️

      • December 12th, 2015 | Anonymous |


    • December 17th, 2015 | Anonymous |

      you are forever in my thoughts ❤️

  65. December 2nd, 2015 | Guadalupe Rivera |

    I miss you mijo i wish it was all a dream but i know god had other plans for you and your at peace and that one day i will see you again just like you said in my dream love you,your tia lupe

  66. November 30th, 2015 | Viri |

    I miss you so much Noel! Our house is just not the same without you. I'm so thankful to have all these good memories of you. I love you so much and miss you like crazy!

    • December 12th, 2015 | Anonymous |


  67. November 17th, 2015 | Yocelin |

    We miss you everyday but I know one day will see you again. We love you daddy ??

    • December 3rd, 2015 | becky sanchez |

      Sorry for your loss of such a young man... may God be with you all during the holidays... sorry my friend I will continue to pray that God gives you strength. .. r.i.p...

      • December 3rd, 2015 | Anonymous |

        Thank you friend

      • December 13th, 2015 | Anonymous |

        Your pretty girl Aly?

        • February 4th, 2016 | Anonymous |

          Daddy's girl

          • February 4th, 2016 | Anonymous |

            Daddy's girl
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