Sarah Epsen, Transplant Recipient
Organ donation is the most selfless and humane thing a person can do...
Hi! I’m Sarah! In January 2025, my life was saved by someone who has never met me, seen me, and does not know my religion, race, sexual orientation, or political views.
My story started on my 14th birthday. I was diagnosed with Auto-Immune Hepatitis and Primary Schlerosing Cholangitis and was told that I would most likely need a liver transplant before the age of 30. Fast forward 15 years, and I spent my 29th birthday at the hospital, meeting my transplant team. I spent all of 2024 suffering from cirrhosis. I was in misery at all times. No energy, no appetite, my entire body swollen, glowing neon yellow, looking 6 months pregnant, freezing cold all of the time, running fevers constantly, and in and out of the hospital countless times. I could go on forever. To put it simply, my body was shutting down and dying, and I felt every second of it.
In January 2025, that all ended. The day was just like any other day. I was home all day, sleeping, while my wonderful husband took care of the house and did all of the chores I would normally do. At about 5 p.m., I got a call from UNOS saying they had a match for me. Less than an hour after that, I was giving my husband a kiss goodbye, and being wheeled off into surgery. I woke up six hours later, a completely changed person forever.
Since getting my transplant, my life has made a complete 180. I feel like a totally new person. I can breathe, laugh, go on walks, stay awake for an entire movie, go out to dinner, see my friends, go hiking, play with my dogs, and so much more. Most importantly, I can look forward and plan for the future, and that is one of the greatest feelings I’ve ever had.
Organ donation is the most selfless and humane thing a person can do. Not only are you changing the recipients life, but also everyone touched and affected by the recipient. I hope sharing my story will encourage at least one person to be a donor and give the feeling I have now to eight more people.
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