Steve Beck, Beneficiado

Steve Beck Regístrate en honor de Steve

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We are forever grateful...

Hola a todos. ¡El riñonversario de un mes de Steve es el 11 de noviembre de 2022! ¡¡¡Le está yendo genial!!! Ha recuperado el apetito y camina una milla al día. El equipo de trasplante está muy contento con su progreso. ¡Nuestro ángel donante en vida también está bien y le estaremos eternamente agradecidos por darle a Steve su regalo que le salvó la vida! Continúen orando por su completa recuperación. Muchas gracias a todos por sus continuas oraciones, apoyo y aliento.
Steve, Stephanie y familia


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  1. octubre 16th, 2023 | Donate Life Arizona |

    The Beck Family is so excited to Celebrate Steve’s 1 Year Kidneyversary in October 2023!!!!! Can’t believe that is been a year since this life saving Kidney Transplant. We are absolutely forever grateful to the Mayo Clinic Phoenix Transplant Team and to our Angel Michelle who unselfishly donated her kidney to Steve! Steve is doing well with renewed energy, appetite – just enjoying life and his family! If you need a Living Donor Transplant or are interested in donating please message me for further information. There are over 100,000 people in the US who desperately need a kidney transplant. YOU COULD SAVE A LIFE!!! Thanks for your continuing support, prayers and encouragement!!! Love, Steve, Stephanie and the Beck Family💚

  2. junio 20th, 2023 | Donate Life Arizona |

    Hi everybody. In June 2023 Steve celebrated his 8 month Kidneyversary! Then, Steve had his 8 month post transplant checkup at Mayo Phoenix. His team is very happy with his progress! Steve is doing absolutely GREAT! We are so grateful for Steve’s Living Donor Michelle for giving Steve the gift of Life. I also continue to reach out to people who are searching for Living Donors (200 and counting) to tell them about the campaign I launched for Steve. If anyone would like this information just message me. Please consider Organ Donation. It has made such a profound change in Steve and our entire family.💚💚


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