Victoria Teresa Arias, Donor

Victoria Teresa Arias

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We know she is our heavenly angel now...

Victoria was 18 years old when she passed away. She was preparing to leave for college, as she had received a full-ride academic scholarship to St. Mary’s University in Minnesota. Being from Arizona that was going to be quite the move. In her high school career she was involved in a youth mariachi group called Los Chaguitos Feos de Tucson. She was very passionate about this group and the music they produced. She also was a part of the volleyball team, theater group, yearbook group, El Otro Lado group, NHS and the Ambassadors group from her high school.

She had dreams of becoming a surgeon in the trauma unit. Her favorite shows were Grey’s Anatomy and Jane the Virgin. She also loved watching makeup tutorials. Victoria is greatly missed by all but we know she is our heavenly angel now and she is doing so much good up in heaven that I (mom) can’t help but smile.

She wanted so much to be in the surgery room that God granted her wish…the Donor Network of Arizona gave her that blessing. She was able to help four people who we pray for, that they, thanks to Victoria, can live healthy lives now.

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  1. December 13th, 2024 | Lisa Phillips |

    Such a beautiful, bright young lady with great dreams. And such an inspiration! No doubt God is using her mightily in His kingdom. During this Christmas season, I pray for her family and that the love of Christ will keep you all at peace, growing in your love for Him, knowing we are here temporarily and Teresa has just gone ahead of you all one day she will welcome you home with her too. I think of that often for the people I've loved and lost - to that day when we are in their embrace.

  2. September 26th, 2017 | Sally Mendoza |

    My condolences to all friends family loved ones so sorry for your loss of this beautiful young amazing talented intelligent young woman who passed away at such a young age I know that she is in heaven and she is an angel God give you strength and peace as you grieve for this beautiful girl again my condolences to all of you God bless you all...????????

  3. September 8th, 2017 | Thom Melendez |

    In the short time I worked at San Miguel I got to spend time with Victoria. She was such an incredible person to introduce to donors. Her grace, her story and her loving personality was so special. I feel blessed to have known her and deeply saddened for her family and indeed our loss.

  4. September 8th, 2017 | Adriana |

    She was an inspiration

  5. September 8th, 2017 | Adriana |



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