Jerry Alsop Jr., Donor
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He had a beautiful sense of humor...
My family and I were pleased to hear that several individuals were a match with my son Jerry. It was his choice to be an organ donor and we simply did as he directed.
If it helps you to know the kind of person he was I am happy to tell you he was a kind, generous, loving and helpful person. He treated his customers, co-workers and neighbors with generosity and respect. He had a beautiful sense of humor and loved sports (especially the Steelers). He recently became addicted to coin collecting and delving into historical information on his family members who were in the military. He was always willing to help any person who needed a hand in any task, from how to use their cell phone to connecting their televisions or moving furniture. His final act was replacing the skylight on my roof.
My family and I wish you continued good health and happiness.
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