Mariah Irene Roche, Donor

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She wanted to give others a second chance...
My daughter Mariah was taken from the world due to an act of violence at the age of 20. She was beautiful, passionate, charismatic, the life of the party. She had no hate in her heart towards anyone or anything, and always spoke of helping others. She would always speak of we siblings and how proud they made her. One day we were sharing small talk on make-up and how our day was going when we ended up in a pretty heavy topic about what happens when our souls leave our bodies. She mentioned her Nana and how she was an organ donor when she left this world. She wanted to do the same, giving others a second chance or better one if possible. Although she was full of love, she was also incredibly strong-willed and knew exactly what she wanted and how she wanted things. Mariah was always sure of herself and knew where she stood in every room she stepped into. I know that anyone who gets a part of her will not only acquire some of the love she had to give but also the courage she carried. I miss my daughter and her smile every single day, and I pray blessings over everyone that received her gift of life.
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